Thursday 3 February 2011

Exam Question on 'The BITCH manifesto'

Boss. Not bitch. BOSS!

Why is it that just because i control their asses they call me a bitch? Simple. Boy's cannot handle being dominated by a female. They dislike being told what to do by a person who wears a bra instead of briefs. But too bad, this is the real world and the sooner they come to realise it the better. After working here for our family Newspaper for several years, my late father, a realman, had promoted me as the Manager of the Editorial department. I deserved it, worked hard for it.

Intelligent, successful, powerful, ambitious, strong-minded, independent BUT a bitch.

The tight murmurs and whispers didn't always bounce of my back. Their poison used to bite at me with viscous intentions, especially when it came from the girls. They were the worst, bitchiness coming from bitch’s mouths. But it is their poison that travelled trough me and made me how i am today. A real Bitch.

Demanding, resentful, hard-headed and at times bitter. Just how i like my tea. The tea i like them to make for me.

It is different with him though, he understands me. He knows the real me, the nice me, the true me. He loves me. So coming home to another real man is what gets me through my day. Life is sweet with him, hes my boss. Just the way i like it.

Commentary, incomplete:
alliteration, capital, repitition, boys
rhetorical question
real man
syndectic list


  1. www: clear grasp of task with clear stylistic shaping evident. The language was very good. The language was clear to address the audience and purpose.

    ebi: it could have been longer.
    Mark out of 25: 18

  2. 19 Band 4

    WWW: Good use of literary and linguistic features :-)
    it flows very nicely :-)

    EBI: could be a bit longer :-)

  3. WWW: I love the use of alliteration, the beginning and the end. Illustrates originality and creativity. For me personally it's a low B - 16/25

    EBI: it was longer and included more detail to get you the higher grade you deserve! :)

  4. WWW
    - Good use of emphasis and other literary techniques
    - Effective structure

    - Could have been a bit longer

    - 20/25

  5. WWW-Good use of literary and linguistic features, made this effective and creative. Gives the reader a good idea on the character speaking.

    EBI- Extended the piece to make it longer :)



  6. Confident adaptation and repurposing of the source material, a good sense of character, place and purpose. I like the twist at the end. AT it's best the writing is original and has flair HOWEVER, there are a number of technical flaws in spelling and grammar and this brings down your mark. Good sense of purpose and audience addressed.


  7. WWW
    -Opening is good!
    -Very modern

    Longer because I cannot see fault and commentary developed
