Wednesday 16 February 2011

Script for 'Why i want a wife' Radio Adaptation

Scene 1:
Danielle and Rob go out during their lunch break


Danielle: I want a husband!
Rob: Haha, Why?
Danielle: So he can take me out for lunch, grab the best table in the room, order the food as he knows what i like to eat, remember dessert and then pay for it all, including a generous tip.
Rob: Is that all?
Danielle: I want a husband who can give me his coat for when I'm cold, warm me up with a cup of hot chocolate and light a fire just in case.
Rob: How about buying a warmer jacket?
Danielle: I want a husband to save me from all the creepy crawlies visiting my room, pick them up without killing them, take it outside to a new home and then wash his hands before touching anything.
Rob: Ever heard of insect repellents?
Danielle: No. I want a husband who can open all the tough jar lids for me, change the bulbs, fix the blockage in the sink, then assemble the new furniture.
Rob: Erm okay...
Danielle: And a husband who can leave me alone most of the day, whilst he works hard to pay the bills, and arrives not tired but happy, helpful and complimentary.
Rob: I think we should get back to work...
Danielle: I want a husband who is an eternal romantic.
Rob: OKAY! I hate to break it to you Danni but ... your MARRIED!
Danielle: Oh, I almost forgot. (SIGH)

Commentary: I used the repetition of 'I want a husband' to imitate the original article but add an opposing narrative. The use of asyndetic list also reflects on the techniques that Syfer uses to emphasize things expected of a partner. The stage directions are used to help the audience imagine the situation and also help understand how the characters are feeling, for example ‘ROB RISES’ is used to explain how he has lost interest and is feeling uncomfortable hence why he quickly rushes to get going back to work. The capital letters on ‘MARRIED’ is used to strengthen the tone of the word and illustrate his voice getting louder. The italics on ‘Almost’ is used to show the stress on the word to help the audience hear her sense of disappointment in her tone of voice. Sound effects, voiceover, narration and dialogue are all common techniques used in radio plays to help the audience get a better understanding of the situation and make the audience engage as they feel as if they are actually watching it or included in the play.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

How Satire is used in 'Why I Want a Wife'

1. What is Satire?

Satire is a technique used to intentionally expose vice and folly (or any subject), commonly through sarcasm, ridicule, irony, mockery and hyperbole.

2. How is satire used in the text?

It is used to expose stereotyped housewives in order to poke fun out of what some men expect of their wives and to imply how ridiculous the chores really are.

"I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal best things are kept in their place"

In this quote she uses an asyndetic list to emphasize various chores expected of a wife, the list stresses on the quantity of workload expected of a wife solely for clothing. This makes the audience think and compare the amount of work to a job of a maids which suggests how their workload is stupendous and how housewives work for no pay or reward, hence treated unfairly.

3. Why is it used and to what effect?

It is used effectively as a technique to ridicule a mans unequal and disrespectful perspective of a wife. She uses hyperbole to exaggerate chores which identifies the sarcasm in her tone. It is also used to emphasize how hard and unfairly they work and therefore how they are taken for granted, this suggests how their partners should be more appreciative.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Exam Question on 'The BITCH manifesto'

Boss. Not bitch. BOSS!

Why is it that just because i control their asses they call me a bitch? Simple. Boy's cannot handle being dominated by a female. They dislike being told what to do by a person who wears a bra instead of briefs. But too bad, this is the real world and the sooner they come to realise it the better. After working here for our family Newspaper for several years, my late father, a realman, had promoted me as the Manager of the Editorial department. I deserved it, worked hard for it.

Intelligent, successful, powerful, ambitious, strong-minded, independent BUT a bitch.

The tight murmurs and whispers didn't always bounce of my back. Their poison used to bite at me with viscous intentions, especially when it came from the girls. They were the worst, bitchiness coming from bitch’s mouths. But it is their poison that travelled trough me and made me how i am today. A real Bitch.

Demanding, resentful, hard-headed and at times bitter. Just how i like my tea. The tea i like them to make for me.

It is different with him though, he understands me. He knows the real me, the nice me, the true me. He loves me. So coming home to another real man is what gets me through my day. Life is sweet with him, hes my boss. Just the way i like it.

Commentary, incomplete:
alliteration, capital, repitition, boys
rhetorical question
real man
syndectic list