5. Compare and contrast the ways in which Chaucer and Atwood portray the characters of Serena Joy and The Wife of Bath?
Clever/Calculated - getting her way with her husbands, taking their land etc. Her knowledge on the bible and how she manipulates the words for her advantage.
Daring/Outspoken - By speaking about sex and her life very openly, taking into consideration Women's roles and behaviour in that era, and also especially the fact that she is narrating on a pilgrimage full of men and only one women who is ironically a nun,
Experienced in Love and Sex - 5 Churched hubbies etc.
Confident- In her appearance and in the way she speaks.
Selfish- Doesn't consider how others in the pilgrimage may feel about her narrations and speeches, in manipulating her partners for land and money.
She's also quite old and a very good Seamstress which is the same as Serena Joy!
Serena Joy:
Clever/Calculated- The plan she comes up with for Offred and Nick.
Selfish/Bitter: Doesn't befriend anyone around her and is infact in someways cruel, She deliberately withdrew informing Offred about her daughter until it worked for her benefit.
Experienced through her previous life:Her Stardom, singing in a choir etc.
Also a very good Seamstress and old.
Similarites of characters..
Context of Books...
How are they being portrayed and why...
Obviously to be continuedd...